Case Studies

Transit of Venus from Mt Wilson

ImageBEAM provided the live streaming expertise that allowed this wonderful production to be streamed to over 600,000 live viewers worldwide.

Here is a highlight video we created from the more than 5 hours of video captured on the day.

ImageBEAM’s role in this event was to handle the recording of the show and streaming it out to Nasa’s network via the Akamai CDN (Content Delivery Network).   The photo below shows Liam inside the Airstream trailer provided by the production partner working the event.

Liam in the Airstream

More details on the event can be found on the Astronomers Without Borders web site.


Case Studies

Planetfest 2012 – The Planetary Society

On August 5th 2012 the world was watching as NASA/JPL landed the Curiosity Rover on Mars. The entire weekend The Planetary Society hosted a conference open to the public to celebrate the event.

ImageBEAM provided the HD video production gear for the entire event that was streamed to over 24,000 live viewers and displayed locally to the more than 2000 attendees. Three cameras were used, IMAG to the local projectors, bluray player for pre-recorded video insertion, hookups for laptops, skype video, HD NASA channel through a special-purpose satellite downlink.

Here is a short highlight video from the event.

The business end of the production. In the back corner of the conference room this is where we control the show.

Video switching/ recording and streaming gear


This diagram will give you some idea of how we connected everything together.

This shows the extent of the gear we used

Case Studies

Live Production – Direct to DVD

Lifestyle Medicine Summit
17 Hours of video content – captured live and edited on to an 8xDVD set.
In this case we captured presentations from three rooms across two and a half days. The result was almost 17 hours of video that we then produced onto a beautiful 8xDVD set the client provided to all conference attendees and others who wish to purchase them after the event.

Case Studies

Corporate “Town Hall” Webcast

Corporate Town Hall
Setup mode at our customers headquarters getting ready for their all-company live broadcast

In the corporate world there are many web-conferencing systems available. Problem is the quality of the video options possible with most of the services out there results in very poor quality events. This comes down to problems with only using Webcams – and limited choices for audio.

Our clients call us in to provide a much higher quality experience. Our gear allows for everything you would otherwise do with web conferencing – including sharing of slides – but with HD quality video and audio.

Case Studies

Planetary Radio Live: Science, Nature and Music

Planetary RadioJun 17th 2013 ImageBEAM provided production support on behalf of The Planetary Society for their live broadcast of the “taping” of their weekly Planetary Radio show.

The show was hosted by KPPC at thier Crawford Family Forum. The station has their own ATEM switchers and cameras. ImageBEAM provided production support to assist the live stream.

Below is the recording of the show.

Case Studies

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society videos.

We don’t just capture and stream live events. We have a full video production capability that allows us to handle any video production project. Since 2010 ImageBEAM has produced a set of videos that are presented at the Man & Woman of the Year Grand Finale for the Orange County chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma society (LLS). This event is the culmination of a 10 week blind fundraising competition. We produce videos that highlight the candidates stories and also the journey of the “Boy & Girl of the year” who are survivors from blood cancers.

Candidate videos.

Girl of the Year

Boy of the Year

You won’t be all that surprised to find out that after getting involved with supporting LLS we found other ways to support this worthy cause. Through the society’s Team In Training group ImageBEAM CEO Liam Kennedy and his wife Anna have raised over $20,000 to help find a cure for all blood cancers. Liam is currently on the volunteer support staff for the San Gabriel Valley team and is training to complete his 3rd marathon – The Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco on October 20th 2013.

Case Studies

Pay Per View and On-Demand

PPV Event
Example PPV event that includes both Live and On-demand access
This was a Pay Per View (PPV) event with different options for viewing the content. There were multiple ticket prices allowing the viewer to choose the options most applicable to their needs.